Facilities to analyze samples
Investigators can have access to a large panel of facilities within the animal house (cell culture room, anesthesia room, sacrifice room, room to perform surgical procedures, recovery room after surgery, rooms for behavioral and functional assessments) and nearby (facilities from the IBS-Lor platforms and of the SIMPA unit).
Facilities offered by the IBS-Lor platforms :
Scientists can have access to IBS-Lor platforms to analyze their samples at the end of the experiments. The IBS-Lor platforms allow many studies to be made, e.g. flow cytometry, imaging, epitranscriptomics and high throughput sequencing, proteomics. For more information and prices of these services, to be booked in advance, please consult the website https://umsibslor.univ-lorraine.fr/en
Facilities offered by the ‘Stress, IMmunty Pathogens’ (SIMPA) unit
Visitors are welcome at the SIMPA laboratory during their stay in Nancy. They will have access to the molecular, cellular and microbiological facilities of this unit. For more details please consult http://simpa.univ-lorraine.fr/indexANG.html. Furthermore, one engineer and one technician of this unit can help external investigators. A quote will be provided depending on facilities and the number of technician/engineer hours required by investigators.