Housing conditions
The animal house hosting GEPAM has a surface of 2700 m2 and offers a high level of services to researchers, allowing the breeding and maintenance of animals either in conventional conditions, or in a rodent specific pathogen free sector, or in a sector for immunocompromised rodents. This high-tech infrastructure can accommodate up to 3500 rodent cages and ~30 genetically modified mouse strains.
The amphibian hosting area is in the conventional sector of the animal house, few meters away from the experimental room. Amphibian hosting conditions meet the physiological and behavioral requirements of these species. The quality of the water is regularly monitored as well as temperature and feeding behavior. Food and water quality have been harmonized with those of the Xenopus Biological Resources Center from Rennes, France, (major producer of X. laevis and X. tropicalis) in order to facilitate the acclimatization of animals when they arrive in Nancy.
The animal house and the GEPAM platform are involved in a quality assurance process.