Utilization Scenario
Investigators wishing to use this ESA's ground-based facility should send an e-mail describing their project to the three persons indicated in the “Points of Contact” section. This mail should provide the following information:
- Species and strain.
- Developmental stage or age at the beginning of the procedure.
- Should animals come from a specific supplier? If yes, please justify.
- Rearing conditions (temperature, light/dark cycle, is a specific food required?)
- Number of animals in the experimental and control groups.
- Gender.
- Desired g-level(s).
- Duration of exposure to this/these g-level(s).
- Main procedures before, during and after altered gravity exposure.
- List of all facilities needed for analyzing samples (could be facilities inside the animal house, from IBS-Lor platforms or SIMPA unit – see ‘Facilities to analyze samples’).
- Required manpower to perform analyses (in addition to basic animal preparation and monitoring during altered gravity exposure).
- Is this protocol already ethically approved? If yes, by which authority? Please provide a copy of the authorization.
Scientists indicated in the “Points of Contact” section will review these data and exchange with investigators to establish a precise protocol by i) sorting out potential technical problems, ii) establishing required manpower, and iii) addressing ethical issues (help can be provided to prepare all necessary administrative documents). There is no ethical issue if investigators wish to use the following protocol that has already been ethically approved : exposure of X. laevis, X. tropicalis, P. waltl or A. mexicanum embryos to 2, 3, 4 or 5g for 3-4 weeks.
Scientists indicated in the “Points of Contact” section can also help investigators applying for using this ESA's ground-based facility. Click here and then on the button "submit your idea", of the web page reached. The system will ask you to create an account. Once this account is created, you can login and have access to the "SciSpacE CORA - Ground-Based Facility (GBF)" page where you can fill online the submission template by clicking on the button that says "submit your idea"..
If ESA selects this proposal, S. Ghislin (engineer) and J. Bonnefoy (technician), will organize the implementation of the project. A timetable will be established with investigators so that required facilities can be booked in advance. The animal house will order animals or place in quarantine animals sent by investigators (investigators can use their own animals provided i) these animals are included in a project authorized by an ethic committee and ii) their health status is guaranteed – an analysis report will be required to ensure last point). S. Ghislin and J. Bonnefoy will care about logistic during experiment implementation and regularly report to investigators about the course of the experiment up to its end.
If requested, S. Ghislin and J. Bonnefoy can perform additional tasks, at extra charge, such as sample collection, fixation, storage and expedition, or perform some analyses.